How to be popular on Facebook and get more likes.

Want to be popular on Facebook, then follow the steps below:

Actively use the platform and interact with people on it.

People are more likely to care about your content if they think you care about them. My mother in law, for example, has a practice of liking nearly every post her friends put up, as the simple action shows she cares about and acknowledges the things they do, and keeps her name at the periphery of their consciousness.
My cousins utilize a more involved tactic, working their friends into their Facebook posts by tagging their names in flattering group photos that make everyone look very happy and successful, which makes them look like the sorts of people that care about others. Wouldn’t you be more likely to like or comment on a post from someone you think would care about your life, thoughts, and opinions?

Post regularly.

Regular posting is something Facebook recommends to those maintaining Facebook pages, but the tip is applicable to people on Facebook, too. People are more likely to develop interest with you if they consistently think about you and see updates from you on Facebook. What’s more, Facebook is more likely to put your posts on people’s News Feeds if its algorithm has enough data about your content to be able to trust it and vouch for its quality.
Post things related to subjects that excite people and feel relevant to them.
Focus on content oriented around the present zeitgeist. If it is election day, for example, you are more likely to see interaction with a Facebook post about that than one about your pet turtle, Xavier. If it is a Saturday, people are more likely to engage with a post showing a creative way in which you are relaxing (e.g. some crazy drink dispensation rig you put next to a hammock) than they are to comment on a complaint about how hard you are working.

                                                           Post “high quality content”.

This usually amounts to interesting posts shared in high quality, compelling formats. Returning to our election example, you might post a clear, in-focus picture of your daughter in front of a polling station showing her holding an “I voted” sticker by her smiling face, along with a caption explaining that you took her with you to vote to get her engaged in the political process. The picture makes your written post interesting, and its high quality draws attention and differentiates the image from lower quality competitors sitting in the typical News Feed

Hope this was useful. Please check out our other posts for more insights .


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